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Clare Swift Survey 2020 to take place this summer

19 May 2020

BirdWatch Ireland, supported by Clare County Council, will conduct a survey of Swifts in County Clare this summer.

Swifts are small migratory birds that visit Ireland each year to nest. They travel from southern Africa where they spend over eight months of the year. Swifts have adapted to nesting in cavities in buildings in our cities, towns and villages.

“Swifts are typically encountered between May and August each year. You will usually hear them before you see them, their distinctive ‘screaming’ call is uttered on the wing as they fly superbly over rooftops at high speed,” said Congella McGuire, Heritage Officer, Clare County Council.

“Their future is seriously threatened in Ireland due, primarily, to the loss of nesting sites. However, the good news is that there is a lot that can be done to halt the decline in Clare’s Swift population. Knowing how many Swifts there are, and where they nest in our towns and villages, is the first step.” 

Finding, recording and mapping Swift nesting sites is core to the Clare Swift Survey 2020. BirdWatch Ireland and Clare County Council want to get local communities and residents involved by recording and reporting the presence of Swifts in your area.

To find out more about Swifts and the 2020 county Swift surveys, visit BirdWatch Ireland’s Facebook page and/or YouTube channel on Friday, May 29th, 2020, where you will find a link to an online presentation with all the details.

The BirdWatch Ireland Facebook page can be accessed here

The BirdWatch Ireland YouTube channel can be accessed here.

A Saving Swifts guide can be downloaded for free from the BirdWatch Ireland website here.

If you would like more information please email Ricky Whelan, BirdWatch Ireland Project Officer, at

Page last reviewed: 19/05/20

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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